Supporting Advancements in the Field of Aging
Types of Grants
RRF’s grant eligibility criteria differs by our five categories of project type – some projects are limited to Illinois (Direct Service, Organizational Capacity Building), whereas others require national reach (Advocacy, Professional Education, Research) if not in Illinois.
Learn more about our grant opportunities and application process by clicking one of the boxes below.
Things to Know

Learn about general grant exclusions, search our FAQs, watch an instructional video on our application process, read evaluation guidelines and learn how to develop SMART objectives.
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Grant Application Process
Review the steps within this section to learn more about our grant application and review process.
Ensure your project and organization is a fit with our funding priorities and guidelines. Read more about: what we fund, general grant exclusions, and types of grants we fund.
Beginning in Spring 2021, submitting a Letter of Inquiry will be required as a prerequisite for consideration of funding.
Invited applicants will have one year to submit an application for their proposed project. Application components vary by project type (Advocacy, Direct Service, Professional Education + Training, Research, and Organizational Capacity Building). Grant applications are submitted online.
After being reviewed for completeness, your application will be assigned to a program officer for review. During the review process, you may be asked to answer additional or clarifying questions.
RRF Trustees meet at the conclusion of each funding cycle to review grant applications and make funding decisions. Depending on the timing of your request submission and these meetings, it may take up to four months to receive a funding decision. You will be notified of the funding decision after the Trustees’ meeting has concluded.
If awarded a grant, your organization will be asked to submit a signed grant agreement letter before funds can be released.
Your organization’s project is carried out during the grant period. RRF encourages grantees to contact the foundation if any significant developments occur during the grant period.
Grantees must submit a final report one month following the end of the grant period. Interim reports may also be required. All reporting requirements are outlined in the grant agreement. Reporting instructions are provided at the start of a grant period. Reports are submitted online.