A Note to RRF Grantees

Dear Grantee Partners,

As we all work together to understand the fast-moving nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, RRF Foundation for Aging is here.  We are committed to supporting our grantee partners—and the older people they serve—during this challenging time.

If you are an RRF grantee, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  We know you are on the front lines caring for and advocating on behalf of older adults—one of the populations particularly vulnerable to COVID-19.  If your organization needs a no-cost extension, budget re-allocation, or other adjustment, contact your program officer to discuss your particular situation.

We also welcome input on other ways RRF can be responsive to your needs both in the short-term, and in the coming months.  Feel free to contact us.

We are in this together.

Irene Frye
RRF Foundation for Aging

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