Similar grants we’ve funded
Justice in Aging (Washington, D.C.)
Protecting Dual Eligibles from Improper Billing
An effort to end the illegal practice of billing older adults for costs of health services above what insurers will cover.
Legal Council for Health Justice (Chicago, Illinois)
Defending Medicaid: Illinois Seniors At Risk
A project to address threats to Medicaid that limit the ability of older adults to receive home- and community-based services.
Medicare Rights Center (New York, New York)
Coordinated Counseling, Education, and Advocacy to Protect Health Insurance Programs for Older Americans
An effort to protect and strengthen health insurance programs for older Americans.
Northwest Side Housing Center (Chicago, Illinois)
Age-Friendly Banking Program
A project to improve access to banking and financial service products that meet the specific needs of older adults.
Pension Rights Center (Washington, D.C.)
Pension Promises Initiative
An effort to protect retirees from potential pension benefit reductions and find solutions to save financially distressed, multi-employer pension plans.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin)
Outreach Offices in Rural and Underserved Parts of Wisconsin
An effort to establish three new outreach offices in underserved areas of rural Wisconsin.
Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services (Clearwater, Florida)
Companionship, Help, and Access by Telephone for Seniors (CHATS)
A project to address social and emotional isolation among older people in the Tampa Bay region through weekly check-ins and service referrals.
Greater Chicago Food Depository (Chicago, Illinois)
Older Adult Choice Markets
A project to address food insecurity among older people, ensuring access to healthy food options for residents of senior housing buildings.
Latino Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders Alliance (Cicero, Illinois)
Spanish Language Savvy Caregivers (Cuidando con Respeto)
A project to expand linguistically and culturally competent programs and services for family caregivers.
Naples Senior Center at JFCS (Naples, Florida)
Brain Joggers: Early Memory Loss Program
A project to establish a program for older persons with mild cognitive impairment or very early dementia to reduce the sense of isolation that often accompanies this stage of the condition.
Coalition of Limited English Speaking Elderly (Chicago, Illinois)
Expansion of Language Assistance to Medicare and Medicaid populations in Illinois
A project to expand language assistance services for limited-English speaking older adults in Illinois.
Columbia University (New York, New York)
Age Boom Academy: Loneliness in Aging and Its Solutions
A project to strengthen the work of journalists by training them on the topic of loneliness across the life course.
Home Centered Care Institute (Schaumburg, Illinois)
The Florida House Call Project
A project to build a network of well-trained, home-based primary care providers in Florida.
Housing Options Provided for the Elderly, Inc. (University City, Missouri)
Senior Homeownership Preservation Project (SHOPP)
A project to train housing counselors to work with older borrowers who are in arrears and at risk for default on a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage.
Mercy Housing Lakefront (Chicago, Illinois)
Senior Resident Services Staff Training Initiative
A project providing gerontology training to service coordinators and case managers in affordable senior housing, to meet the needs of residents who are aging in community.
University of Southern California (Los Angeles, California)
Home Modification Education for States (HOMES) Certificate Program
A project providing state-specific training and promoting collaborative networks to increase the availability of effective home modification services that allow older adults to age in community.
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging (Cleveland, Ohio)
Support, Health, Activities, Resources, and Education for Persons with Chronic Conditions and their Family Caregivers
A randomized clinical trial testing the impact of the SHARE intervention on older adults with chronic conditions and their informal caregivers.
Indiana University (Indianapolis, Indiana)
The Quality of Advance Care Planning Documentation in the Nursing Home
A study to compare the quality of end-of-life care planning in Indiana nursing facilities that use POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) Paradigm with facilities that do not.
National Academy of Medicine (Washington, D.C.)
Family Caregiving in the United States
A research project to complete an in-depth, expert review of knowledge and practice related to family caregiving in the U.S., to develop recommendations for improved policies and practices to assist caregivers, and disseminate results broadly to policymakers, advocates, and the media.
Oregon State University (Corvallis, Oregon)
Beyond Quantity and Quality: Development of a Reliable and Valid Survey Measure of Intergenerational Contact
A research project to develop a psychometrically sound measure of the nature of intergenerational contact for the use of researchers and practitioners.
University of Iowa (Iowa City, Iowa)
Optimizing Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids
A research project to improve the effectiveness of low-cost, over-the-counter hearing aids to address age-related hearing loss.
Chinese American Service League: (Chicago, Illinois)
OCB: Strategic Planning
A project to implement a strategic planning process to create a roadmap for the next three years.
Encore Illinois, NFP (Hinsdale, Illinois)
OCB: Readiness Assessment
A project for an organizational assessment to help prioritize organizational capacity building needs.
Escorted Transportation Service Northwest (Arlington Heights, Illinois)
OCB Flex: Targeted Consultation
A project to engage a consultant to build the organization’s fundraising capacity.
Meals At Home (Evanston, Illinois)
OCB: Information Management System
A project to enhance the organization’s information management and technology infrastructure.
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