Curbing Rising Debt for Older Adults: A Call to Action

The recently released U.S. Census report shows that poverty rose for older people this past year – the ONLY group that saw an increase.  To make ends meet, millions of older adults are grappling with high-risk debt. And those numbers and level of debt are increasing.

We bring your attention to RRF Foundation for Aging’s Call to Action to curb rising debt because we know that you share our commitment to ensuring all older adults achieve an economically secure and dignified later life. 

Here is the link to RRF’s Call to Action. We are especially interested in:

  • raising awareness of debt issues and building momentum to advance policies that will address debt
  • effecting local, state, or federal policy reforms to prevent and mitigate debt
  • identifying older people who are most likely to carry high-risk debt
  • educating older adults to protect against incurring bad debt
  • finding and deploying best practices to assist older adults with debt issues and building the capacity of service providers to implement them

We welcome your thoughts on solutions and ways to partner with us to combat rising debt among older people. We hope to hear from you and thank you for sharing this Call to Action with others who may be committed to addressing these issues.

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