February 2022: RRF Letter Featured in Chicago Tribune

Advocating for family caregivers is an important part of RRF Foundation for Aging’s mission. A recent Tribune item was an opportunity to engage the public on this vital issue and build upon the momentum that began with Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker’s proposed 2023 funding for family caregivers.

As published in the Chicago Tribune

February 28, 2022

Support for unpaid caregivers

Deep within Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s $45.4 billion budget proposal for 2023 is a tiny line item that carries a huge message. It is $4 million to support the efforts of the enormous number of unpaid family caregivers in Illinois.

Today, nearly 1 in 5 people in Illinois are over age 60. By 2030, this will be closer to 1 in 4. It is heartening to see the governor and his team recognizing the growing need to support those who are caring for older adults who are able to live at home because of the care they receive. The budget allocation recognizes the progress being made by leaders in the state’s aging services network who tirelessly advocate for this population.

Investment in the aging population is more critical than ever. There are 1.5 million unpaid family caregivers in Illinois providing more than 1 billion hours of care annually, with an estimated value of $17.3 billion. In addition, the contributions of family caregivers help delay or avoid placement in expensive long-term care facilities, saving the state billions in Medicaid costs.

The proposed 2023 budget line item for family caregivers in Illinois signals an investment in Illinois families that is a sure bet for a huge return in the long term.

— Mary O’Donnell, president, RRF Foundation for Aging, Chicago

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