Working Together to Make a Difference

Welcome Grantees. We’re Glad You’re Here!
RRF grantees are valued partners who advance the Foundation’s mission to improve the quality of life for older people. In this section of the website, grantees can review reporting requirements, access RRF’s Applications and Requirements Portal, and get in touch with RRF to ask any questions or share updates.
RRF welcomes dialogue with grantees. If you need assistance or have additional questions, successes, or feedback to share, please feel free to call us at 773-714-8080 or contact us via our online contact form.
Submit a Grant Report
RRF Foundation for Aging has an online process for submitting grant reports.
RRF will provide instructions to access the appropriate online form up to a month before the report’s due date. Documents detailing grant reporting requirements may be accessed via the links below:
Interim Reporting Requirements for Grantees
Final Reporting Requirements for Grantees
Standard OCB Reporting Requirements
OCB Flex Reporting Requirements
When you have received instructions from RRF and you are ready to submit your report, click this button to be directed to RRF’s Grantee Portal.
Send Us Your Feedback
Please share your insights with us so we may improve our grantmaking.
Share Your Success
RRF Foundation for Aging wishes to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our grantees. If you’d like to share updates on RRF-funded work, please reach out to us with news or announcements about your project’s impact. By submitting this information, you consenting to RRF publishing information about your project and any associated media online.
Note: This form is exclusively for RRF grantees. RRF will only share items related to information or programs developed by RRF grantees or programs developed or sponsored by local, state, or federal government agencies.
Things to Know

Learn about general grant exclusions, search our FAQs, watch an instructional video on our application process, read evaluation guidelines, and learn how to develop SMART objectives.