Multisector Plan for Aging Coming to Illinois

RRF Foundation for Aging celebrates Governor J. B. Pritzker’s Executive Order to establish the Illinois Multisector Plan for Aging (MPA).

Equity in aging is crucial as our population demographics shift. It is the underlying objective driving the groundswell of momentum toward multisector plans for aging – across the country and in Illinois.

RRF Foundation for Aging is proud to have served as the principal funder for Illinois Aging Together, with its foundational research and coalition building that informs Illinois’ MPA considerations as planners propel equity in aging forward.

Aging is living, and as the number of older adults continues to grow, coordination of services will be essential. We must establish a comprehensive, cross-cutting, multisector plan for aging. As noted in the Executive Order, “[Illinois’] MPA will proactively prepare government, nonprofit, and private sector organizations to meet a growing number of older adults’ evolving needs, including unmet needs related to health, safety, social and financial well-being, housing, transportation, and more.”

To be ready for what is ahead, the time to plan and act accordingly is now.

Check out Mary O’Donnell in this short video celebrating Illinois’ big move toward equity in aging.

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