Age Forward

 Amplify. Innovate. Collaborate.

On this page, explore a curated collection of thought-pieces and related content from RRF Foundation for Aging and our partners, highlighting critical voices, solutions, and efforts that advance our mission to improve the quality of life of older people. 

New Learnings Brief Shares RRF’s Insights about our Grantmaking 

The February 2025 Learnings Brief looks at “What’s Driving Our Grantmaking,”  with highlights of lessons learned and grantee partnerships.  Read the Learnings Brief here.   

Illinois is paying attention to caregivers’ needs

January 2025: A recent Letter to the Editor by Mary O’Donnell highlights how new policies in Illinois can make a significant difference to caregivers and older adults throughout the state.

Housing: Essential in Later Life

A safe and secure place to live is a key determinant of health for people of all ages. But many older people have difficulty accessing adequate housing, stymied by a unique set of challenges.

Check out this brief video highlighting the importance of housing in later life and a few examples of innovative work being done by RRF grantees.

Our Commitment Toward Dismantling Ageism

October 9th marks Ageism Awareness Day. RRF strives daily to change the narrative and reframe perspectives on what it means to age. Check out RRF’s short video addressing ageism, age-bias, and fostering age-inclusivity here

Op-Ed: Older adults face crushing student loan debt need help from the federal government.

September 2024 – A recent Chicago Sun-Times Op-ed by Mary O’Donnell sheds light on alarming student loan debt held by older adults. The problem is serious, but policy changes are on the horizon. RRF is proud to encourage them as we, along with our grantee partners at the National Consumer Law Center and New America, address the threat that unaffordable student loan debt places on the economic security of older people. Read the full op-ed here.

Issue Update: Curbing Rising Debt for Older Adults

September 2024 – As part of our Call to Action to curb rising debt for older adults, we’re excited to share our recent video detailing RRF’s interest in addressing debt and its impact on older people. Learn more here

RRF’s Interest in Addressing Student Loan Debt

September 2024 – RRF recognizes that carrying debt poses threats that may undermine economic security in later life. Our latest Issue Update examines the growing rates of student loan debt held by older people, the impact of this debt on economic security, and highlights promising solutions. Learn more here

Multisector Plan for Aging Coming to Illinois

August 2024 – Last week, Governor J.B. Pritzker announced an executive order to establish the Illinois Multisector Plan for Aging. This plan will be vital to enhancing and sustaining services for the growing number of older adults who live and thrive in Illinois. Learn more about this initiative here

Photo: Chicago Sun-Times

Illinois Aging Services Shares Tips for Successful News Coverage

March 2024 – Amy Brennan, Executive Director of Illinois Aging Services’ Illinois Family Caregiver Coalition shares her tips for writing and placing a compelling opinion piece in news publications. Read here

‘Innovation in Aging’ Accelerator: RRF Foundation for Aging’s perspective on technology and partnership with MATTER, an innovation incubator

March 2024 – At RRF Foundation for Aging, we want to ensure that older adults are not left behind and that AgeTech gets the focus and attention it deserves in this fast-paced, high-powered environment. We are interested in efforts that leverage technology as a practical tool to enhance the quality of life for older adults.

In this piece, we take a closer look at RRF’s engagement with innovation leaders and thought partners to spur action around AgeTech. Read here.

Gershwin Prize for Popular Song honoree Joni Mitchell speaks to the media on the red carpet at the 2023 Gershwin Prize Concert at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C., March 1, 2023. Photo by Elaina Finkelstein/Library of Congress...Note: Privacy and publicity rights for individuals depicted may apply.

Mary O’Donnell: Joni Mitchell proves why we should look beyond stereotypes about aging

February 2024 – Mary O’Donnell, President & CEO at RRF Foundation for Aging (RRF), highlights how prolific singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell’s recent performance and win at the 2024 Grammy Awards Ceremony exemplifies the contributions of older people and the nuances of aging, in a climate rife with stereotypes. Read more here.

Grantee Highlight – ASA Rise

As our society becomes increasingly older and the number of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, People of Color (BILPOC), and LGBTQ+ older people rises at the same time, it is imperative to prioritize leadership development and mentoring initiatives designed for BILPOC leaders. Learn more about ASA RISE, an initiative that RRF is proud to support.


RRF’s Chicago Tribune Op-Ed on America’s Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.

“It’s systemic rather than an individual challenge.”

Amy Eisenstein, Ph.D., a senior Program Officer at RRF Foundation for Aging (RRF), shares her relatable anecdotes, lifts up timely research, and highlights innovative grantee partners as she conveys the Foundation’s view of this critical matter — in her analysis of the systemic nature of America’s epidemic of loneliness and isolation. 


Social and Intergenerational Connectedness is among RRF’s funding priority areas and a focus of Amy’s work at the Foundation. Read more here.

Can America Age Gracefully? Editorial Series on Aging in America

September 2023 – The New York Times recently published a compelling editorial series addressing RRF’s priority areas. Learn more about this series here

Celebrating Pride Month

June marks Pride Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the strength and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community and the contributions of LGBTQ+ trailblazers. 

Take a look at our video celebrating Pride Month to learn about some of the most recent projects we are supporting in the quest to build a truly age-inclusive society.

Advancing Equity and Inclusion for Older People

In this short video, RRF Foundation for Aging President Mary O’Donnell invites you to review our updated Strategic Plan and to help us advance equity and inclusion for older people.


Image credit: Centre for Ageing Better’s Age-positive Image Library CC Creative Commons and Brissa Del Mar, Breeze Art Creatives

Debt is an Economic Justice Issue

National Council on Agings President and CEO, Ramsey Alwin, talked with RRF Foundation for Aging’s President, Mary O’Donnell, about the recent call to action on older adult debt and how we can address the problem.

Read the article here.

Ageism in the Workplace

Earlier this year, NPR listeners heard RRF Foundation for Aging advocating for older workers on WBEZ’s Reset program with Sasha-Ann Simons.

Mary O’Donnell, President of RRF Foundation for Aging, and Tom Kuczmarski, a member of the RRF Board of Trustees, shared insights on the value of an intergenerational workplace.

Listen to the interview here.

Aging in the Shadows: RRF Letter Featured in Chicago Tribune

RRF President, Mary O’Donnell, reflects on the importance of supporting undocumented older people in this Letter to the Editor published by The Chicago Tribune on April 5, 2022. You can read it here

RRF and grantee partners address economic concerns affecting older adults

This entire issue of Generations Today addresses economic concerns affecting older adults. Featured are insightful articles by several RRF Foundation for Aging grantee partners, including National Council on Aging, The New School for Social Research, and University of Massachusetts Boston.

RRF’s Mary O’Donnell and Naomi Stanhaus co-authored the lead article, “Toward Economic Security for Older Adults: The Time is Now.” You can watch our short video introduction and read the article here

New Housing Justice Fund

We’re excited to share that, with 11 philanthropic partners, RRF Foundation for Aging has invested in the Housing Justice Fund, an initiative of Chicago Funders Together to End Homelessness (CFTEH).

Over the next two years, CFTEH will direct at least $2 million to support campaigns, coalitions, alliances, partnerships, and other coordinated efforts that are leading advocacy and organizing efforts to end homelessness. The fund prioritizes Black-led initiatives or those led by people with lived experience.

We are also pleased to announce that two of our current grantee partners, Jane Addams Senior Caucus and Tenant Education Network, received funding as part of this first round of CFTEH grantmaking.

Read more about the Housing Justice Fund here.

October 7 is Ageism Awareness Day!

We are committed to dismantling ageism through active awareness of the issue. We strive daily to change the narrative and reframe perspectives on what it means to age.

We are equipping RRF grantees with tools and information to help them reframe aging within their organizations; currently a second cohort of grantees are participating in the “Reframing Aging” training.

RRF is proud to be a founding sponsor of the national Reframing Initiative. We invite you to become actively engaged in dismantling ageism.

Read more about it here.

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