Descriptions of OCB-Funded Activities
*Applicants must show how the project will specifically improve the organization’s ability to serve older people in Illinois.
Activities include, but are not limited to:
• Board Development: Defining the board’s role, strengthening governance, and the executive transition/search process.
• Communications and Marketing: Website development, public relations, use of social media, and “Reframing Aging” updates.
• Evaluation: Program evaluation, return on investment analysis, and quality improvement efforts.
• Fundraising: Resource development, annual campaign plans, and stewardship.
• Human Resources (HR): Staff and leadership development, diversity, equity, and inclusion training, succession planning, training that is specific to improving older adult services, and “Reframing Aging” training.
• Internal Operations/Financial Management: Improving financial, volunteer, or HR management, strategic restructuring, partnership building, and technical assistance on quality improvement or facility planning.
• Organizational Strategy Planning: Organizational assessments, strategic plan development, expansion of older adult services, business planning, and succession planning.
• Strategic Program Planning: Programming focused on older adults, not for a specific area or event, but from a strategic planning perspective.
• Information (IT) Technology Improvements: IT capacity updates, staff training, and short-term technical assistance. Grants are often used to support consultants, and if so, a bid must be submitted with the application.
Things to Know

Learn about general grant exclusions, search our FAQs, watch an instructional video on our application process, read evaluation guidelines and learn how to develop SMART objectives.