Promoting efforts that make housing more affordable and provide supports to enable older people to remain living in the community safely and with dignity
It is well-documented that older people prefer to continue living in their own homes and communities for as long as possible. Evidence suggests that access to affordable, service-enriched housing options can not only help older people stay in their homes, but also can significantly reduce or delay the need for unnecessary nursing home placement, improve safety at home, prevent homelessness, and enable the best possible quality of life for older people.
Examples of possible funding opportunities for this Priority Area may include (but are not limited to):
- engaging in advocacy to support policy reform and systems change that enables older people to live in their homes and communities;
- evaluating the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of new or existing supportive housing interventions;
- identifying new ways to expand access to home modifications and renovations for older residents;
- engaging in pre-development activities to support the creation of new affordable housing, supportive housing and intergenerational housing (non-capital);
- addressing older adult homelessness through policy reform and/or programmatic response; and
- replicating proven best practices, such as home-based primary care, CAPABLE, and other models linking health and housing.
Things to Know

Learn about general grant exclusions, search our FAQs, watch an instructional video on our application process, read evaluation guidelines and learn how to develop SMART objectives.