Similar grants we’ve funded
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging (Cleveland, Ohio)
Online Resource for Comparing Evidence-Based Dementia Caregiving Programs
A project to create and market a searchable, online resource presenting details about 50 evidence-based dementia caregiving programs, promote their replication, and provide families with guidance on where to turn for assistance.
Latino Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders Alliance (Cicero, Illinois)
Savvy Caregivers for Latino Older Adults (Cuidando con Respeto)
A project to expand linguistically and culturally competent programs and services for family caregivers Miami University
Scripps Gerontology Center (Oxford, Ohio)
Enhancing Caring Communities: Locally Funded Senior Service Programs to Better Support Caregivers
A research project to assess how local tax levies that fund services for older adults directly or indirectly affect caregivers’ lives, and how these programs could enhance their intentional focus on and effectiveness for caregivers.
Rush University Medical Center (Chicago, Illinois)
Caregiver Health and Well-Being Initiative
A project to create support for family caregivers throughout the Rush health system by standardizing processes to identify caregivers, assess their needs, and provide relevant services and resources.
National Academy of Social Insurance (Washington, D.C.)
It Pays to Wait to Take Social Security
A project to educate lower-income, older Americans about the advantages of delaying Social Security claims beyond the age of 62.
National Council on Aging (Arlington, Virginia)
The Next Frontier: Debt Management & Economic Assistance for Older Adults
A collaborative project with GreenPath to establish a national debt and money management tele-counseling service, using an “economic casework” approach and online EconomicCheckUp tools.
Northwest Side Housing Center (Chicago, IL)
Age-Friendly Banking Program
A project to improve access to banking and financial service products that meet the specific needs of low-income, older adults.
Pension Rights Center (Washington, D.C.)
Pension Promises Initiative
An advocacy project to protect retirees from potential pension benefit reductions and find solutions to save financially distressed, multi-employer pension plans.
Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (Washington, D.C.)
WISER Financial Education Training Project
A collaborative project to educate older adults, especially women, on retirement planning, Social Security, and financial decision making.
Center for Community Change (Washington D.C.)
MHAction Leadership Cross-Train Program
A project to expand the structured Leadership Cross-Training Program focusing on issues faced by older people who own manufactured homes.
Mercy Housing Lakefront (Chicago, Illinois)
Senior Resident Services Staff Training Initiative
A project to provide gerontology training to service coordinators and case managers in affordable senior housing buildings.
North West Housing Partnership (Schaumburg, Illinois)
Northwest Suburban CAPABLE Replication Demonstration Project
A project to pilot a health-housing strategy by implementing a demonstration of CAPABLE, an evidence-based intervention enabling aging in community.
Revitalize Milwaukee (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Home Repair, Chore, and Handymender Program
A project to provide minor repairs and home maintenance to low-income, older homeowners who are committed to aging in community.
Shriver Center on Poverty Law (Chicago, Illinois)
Senior Housing Justice and Preservation Project
A project to train legal aid professionals and tenant groups to advocate for the rights and safety of older residents of public housing, and for access to affordable public housing.
Columbia University (New York, New York)
Age Boom Academy: Loneliness in Aging and Its Solutions
A project to strengthen the reporting of journalists by training them on the consequences of loneliness across the life course.
Generations United (Washington, D.C.)
Intergenerational Programming in Senior Housing: Promising Practices and Challenges
A collaborative study with LeadingAge on best practices for intergenerational programming provided in senior housing communities.
Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services (Clearwater, Florida)
Companionship, Help, and Access by Telephone for Seniors (CHATS)
A project to address social and emotional isolation among older people in the Tampa Bay region through weekly check-ins and service referrals.
Oregon State University (Corvallis, Oregon)
Beyond Quantity and Quality: Development of a Reliable and Valid Survey Measure of Intergenerational Contact
A research project to develop a psychometrically sound measure of the nature of intergenerational contact for use by researchers and practitioners.
AgeOptions, Inc. (Oak Park, Illinois)
Make Medicare Work Coalition
A project to support Make Medicare Work (MMW), a coalition that helps older Illinoisans access affordable healthcare and use their benefits effectively.
Gerontological Society of America (Washington, D.C.)
Reframing Aging Initiative
A collaborative effort to increase momentum to adopt the principles of Reframing Aging, an initiative to address ageism.
Oregon Health & Science University Foundation (Portland, Oregon)
Ensuring High Quality POLST Programs
A project to strengthen the quality and fidelity with which providers implement the POLST (Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) paradigm to translate the end-of-life care wishes of persons with serious advanced illness into actionable medical orders.
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